ice cream
We just love ice cream!
Most of every person favorite memories comes with ice cream, ridding with grandpa on the side of the truck.
Sunday after mass with the family, the first date, your first kiss, the look on your kids face while they eat ice cream and smile. You can't put a price on that.
​Part of our history starts about 17 years ago. I came to WI and fell in love with Appleton.
It forever left a mark... people are just genuinely nice, everywhere you go you see smiles and greetings.
I've traveled many places but couldn't get Wisconsin out of head. So I came back, found
my beautiful wife. I can't be happier to be apart of this great community.
Looking forward to sharing my Mexican heritage, providing with a taste of Mexican
ice cream and more.
It's what's on the inside that counts
Hagas lo que hagas siempre hazlo con pasion